About us

Alex Chenevier, Professor/researcher of strategic renewal, working from Lyon; previously (14 years) sales Director of web 1.0 start-up based in Tokyo and Assistant to Vice-Presidents of financial practice at American operational consultancy in the City of London i.e. Business Development Coordinator at Alexander Proudfoot, part of market-listed MCG (Management Consulting Group PLC).

In 2010, I resumed the benches with Open University (Milton Keynes, UK) and completed a Performance and Change management Diploma. During the later, I discovered the discipline of innovation that became central to all my activities. Subsequently, I have been repetitively associated as Professor of Business Innovation within reputable academic institutions first locally, regionally, internationally and now globally.

Intertwined, I have been acknowledged as independent researcher working, eventually, on the most complex innovation i.e. disruptive innovation in the International Journal of Systematic Innovation, Taiwan (2017), before understanding that « the mother of invention » is in the grammar of Dr Teece’s indispensable  contributions ref. e.g. co-publication (2022) « Innovator dilemma vs. innovator phenomena, the theory of the firm phenomena ».

Recently, my continued efforts to recollect a more solid vision [and I am grateful] gains  the comments and endorsement of Professor Teece, UC Berkeley. It materialises incl. a revised definition of Teece, Pisano, Shuen (1997) : “The firm’s ability to integrate and build, before reconfigure often selectively, sometimes concurrently ,internal and external competences to address rapidly changing environments. (Chenevier, 2024) ».

In the intricacies of above complexities, a new article will be published SOON incl. critical involvement and acknowledgment of Claudio Dell’ Era.  

alex.chenevier at managitech.com